Acupuncture is one of the many facets of Eastern Medicine that utilizes thin needles to stimulate certain points on our bodies. These points lie on meridians (also termed, “channels”) that traverse through organ systems and muscles internally and on the surface of our skin externally. Simply explains, the Qi (loosely translated as “energy”) and blood flow within these channels greatly contribute to our health – either giving us vibrance and good health with optimum flow in proper direction or ill health with impeded flow due to decreased energy or stagnation. Therapy with acupuncture and other modalities correct improper flow within the channels to relieve pain of excess origin, herbal formulas are the basis of treatment for conditions of deficiency. Pain or any other symptoms resulting from a deficiency root cause, conditions of elderly patients, or chronic conditions that have taken a toll on the body for a long period of time require herbal formulas to restore functionality.
Herbal formulas are made with all-natural herbs and customized to each and every individual’s condition. Two patients of the same age and gender may present with the exact same symptom, but the reason for such manifestations can be completely different. One patient could suffer from migraines due to an excess condition while another may have a deficient condition and both of these patients would have different factors influencing their lives from their jobs, lifestyle, relationships, emotional stresses, etc.
The philosophy of Eastern Medicine takes the whole individual into consideration in order to diagnose and effectively treat. Therefore, there is no risk of side-effects as they are completely different from drugs that are given across the board, per symptom. Moreover, acupuncture and herbal formulas do not merely mask the presenting symptoms of a disease, but treat the underlying root of the condition in order to facilitate and restore the body’s natural functionality to eliminate the physical symptoms. In doing so, it may take longer to see results as the body returns to its optimal state especially if a patient has been taking harsh prescription medications that substitute the body’s function with exogenous chemicals. Therefore, it is imperative to be patient and endure the treatment process as it takes time to restore functionality of the body.
There has been and still is much debate about the existence of meridians in our bodies. However, modern science has yet to develop a method to conclusively refute their existence. Much research has been devoted to deny their existence and attribute treatment efficacy to placebo effect. However, the tests themselves are flawed as the devices or methods used to prove channel theories are flawed.
Many double-blinded studies conclude that acupuncture treatments do not have treatment efficacy. But these case studies or trials do not take into consideration how Eastern Medicine operates. In such studies, all subjects must be given the exact treatment protocol in the experimental group and then a placebo to the control group. This inherently goes against the philosophy of acupuncture theory in which each patient must be treated differently because their presenting symptoms are a result of their unique underlying cause. No two patients are alike and therefore, neither are the treatments. As such, these studies where the same treatment methods are used will give inconclusive findings. It is illogical to test this form of medicine with the standards of today’s research methods where large doses or harsh medications are given to see immediate results. Most research trials last only a few weeks while in the long run, patients who undergo acupuncture and herbal treatment will have seen much better results overall while avoiding harsh drugs or even surgery.
The human thought and mind cannot be measure with an MRI, while EEG’s will indicate brain wave activity as different parts of the brain are activated. Even still, EEG’s cannot specifically indicate the exact content or depth of thoughts or emotions an individual may have. Modern research and human invention, no matter how advanced technology may have become, cannot pinpoint every intricate detail of the human body whether it pertains to its physiology or energetics.
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